Thursday, October 10, 2019

Apex Legends Fans Spot In-Game Teaser For New Character Revenant

Unbeknown to many Apex Legends players, developer Respawn Entertainment may already be teasing the battle royale’s next character.

Revenant, like Season 3’s Crypto, has long been rumored to join the shooter’s roster thanks to a huge number of data mining efforts and hints supplied by the studio itself. Up until now, all we’ve had to go on is a name, though thanks to a recent leak, all of the seemingly unconnected puzzle pieces are slowly slotting together. The document in question, which you can see below, depicts a number of heroes currently in the works at Respawn HQ, all in varying stages of development.

Top of the list under the subheader ‘Production’ is Crypto, Revenant and Loba.

Assuming the order is an indication of each individual’s sequence of release, Revenant is assuredly next-in-line to appear in-game and much sooner than you might think.

So far, just one new character has been released per season, but recently uncovered evidence heavily implies that the character will play an integral role in Apex‘s upcoming Halloween event. Most telling of all, however, is that Respawn already appears to be teasing Revenant in-game. The second image in the gallery above features a banner – digital screens that procedurally flick between all of Apex‘s stars – that shares an uncanny resemblance with his leaked appearance.

The plot thickens even further, too, when you consider that the newcomer appears to be a robot much like Pathfinder. The latter’s voice actor, Chris Edgerly, let slip in a recent interview that the optimistic bot will play an integral role in Fight or Fright, and with Revenant said to be its host, the connection is crystal clear.

Not for a second, of course, does this confirm that Revenant’s debut in Apex Legends will be in a playable form, but we’ll find out for sure next week. Fingers crossed!

from We Got This Covered

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