Wednesday, August 9, 2023

‘Because I know what I’m doing’: Ridley Scott’s reasons for never tackling ‘Star Wars’ are as accurate as they are scathing

As well as being one of the most consistent, legendary, and formidable filmmakers of the modern era, Ridley Scott also happens to be one of the most curmudgeonly, too.

The veteran has never been shy in letting his opinions be known, which comes with the territory once you’ve reached your 80s and have experienced pretty much everything Hollywood can throw at you during 40+ years at the top of the directorial totem pole.

If there’s one thing he can’t possibly sanction, though, it’s boarding somebody else’s franchise. Blade Runner 2049 and the upcoming Gladiator sequel – not to mention the majority of the Alien saga – makes it perfectly clear he’s got no issues with the shoe being on the other foot or making follow-ups of his own, but his response to Empire asking if he’d be interested in Star Wars is as hilarious as it is brutal.

Solo: A Star Wars Story
Photo via Solo: A Star Wars Story

“No, no. I’m too dangerous for that, because I know what I’m doing. I think they like to be in control, and I like to be in control myself. When you get a guy who’s done a low budget movie and you suddenly give him $180 million, it makes no sense whatsoever. It’s f*cking stupid. You know what the reshoots cost?”

Scott also has a deep-seated disdain for Marvel, too, so expecting him to climb into bed with the Mouse House is destined to end in disappointment. Sure, he’s experienced more misses than hits recently, but his reputation was secured a long time ago, and it’s always fun hearing his latest bitter take on the state of cinema.

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