Friday, December 9, 2022

Eerily accurate Phase Four prediction proves there’s a real Doctor Strange in our midst

We’re now officially at the end of Phase Four, a chunk of the MCU‘s never-ending lifespan that has delivered a fair few shocks for fans everywhere. Excepting, that is, the real-life time traveler who happened to predict the past two years of the franchise with eerie accuracy back before WandaVision had even aired in early 2020.

Perhaps employing similar means to Doctor Strange when he used his Time Stone to view 14 billion futures in Avengers: Infinity War, it turns out one Redditor shared their own thoughts on where Phase Four would go nearly three years ago and proved to be bang on the money in most respects. The real Sorcerer Supreme in our midst was brought to our attention in a now-deleted post, but here’s the original comment as a receipt:

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