Since the original Karate Kid was released in 1984, the franchise has seen a surprising ability to stay relevant through a series of film sequels, a decades-later sequel series, and a 2010 Jackie Chan-starring reboot. In the original film, Ralph Macchio starred as New Jersey kid Daniel LaRusso who, upon moving to the Los Angeles suburb Reseda, quickly discovers that all the local kids resolve their differences by attempting to murder each other in the streets with karate. Comedian and actor Pat Morita earned an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of wise old karate teacher Mr. Miyagi.
And now, the show business blog Murphy’s Multiverse has exclusively reported that twelve years after Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan led a reboot to major box office returns, Sony Pictures plans to once again remake The Karate Kid, this time centering around a 17-year-old named Li from Beijing who finds himself living in Brooklyn with his mother.
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