Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Latest What If…? Episode Features This Major Fantastic Four Tease

With a show as jam-packed with Easter Egg references from both the established Marvel Cinematic Universe and its as-of-yet untouched properties from Marvel’s sprawling comics, Disney Plus’ What If…? tease to one of the Fantastic Four’s most iconic villain may have gone right over the heads of some viewers.

As Heroic Hollywood was quick to point out, the latest episode of the show that explores hypothetical alternative universes within the MCU made a far subtler reference than other Easter Eggs in the episode or prior installments. The plot of this week’s release, “What If…Ultron Won?,” features a villainous and powerful foe, Ultron, remaining unseparated from his powerful but good-natured alter-ego, Vision. This time around, Ultron boasts an armor suit bedazzled with the universe’s most powerful jewelry, the Infinity Stones.

from We Got This Covered

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