One major way Marvel Studios continues to generate endless movies and TV series without audiences growing bored is by giving each project a different flavor, often by aping another genre. e.g. Shang-Chi is inspired by martial arts films and Blade will be horror-themed. At this point, the MCU is so enormous that it can support any kind of story. Case in point, Marvel looks to be developing a new project that’ll pit superheroes against dinosaurs.
Giant Freakin Robot is reporting that Marvel is working on a dinosaur-filled movie that will be based around the Savage Land. As any comics reader will know, the Savage Land is a secret prehistoric tropical landscape hidden in the Antarctic. As GFR kindly mentions in their write-up, it was We Got This Covered who first brought you the news of this film being in the works some time ago. Going by GFR’s update, it doesn’t sound like the project has progressed all that far since then, however the outlet confirms that it remains in development.
As our own intel previously told us, Marvel is obviously looking at this Savage Land feature as their answer to Universal’s Jurassic World. The Savage Land is most known in the comics as being the home of Ka-Zar, the wild jungle man who clearly owes a huge debt to Tarzan. It’s unclear if Ka-Zar would be coming to the MCU alongside his homeland, but it would make sense. Marvel could mix together elements from the Jurassic franchise, Tarzan and other “Lost World”-type stories to cook up a thrilling old-fashioned adventure flick, but with a unique superhero spin.
The MCU has been introducing more and more hidden places on Earth of late, with Atlantis – set to appear in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever – being the next one. So it’s only a question of when, not if, Marvel will eventually get around to bringing the Savage Land into the mythos. With connections to Spider-Man, the X-Men and many others, it should be a major location for the franchise once it appears.

from We Got This Covered