Nobody seems to have a clue that’s happening in regards to the future of either the canonical DCEU or the SnyderVerse, which is par for the course after the franchise has spent years changing its approach with almost reckless abandon, leaving the timeline and continuity in a state of constant disarray.
As far as Warner Bros. are concerned, the SnyderVerse is over, but the fans obviously aren’t going to take that lying down. Indeed, Zack Snyder’s Justice League has been playing like gangbusters on HBO Max for over three weeks, so there’s clearly an audience there who want to see more. The majority of that audience would also like a Man of Steel sequel with Henry Cavill, but that doesn’t look like it’ll be happening, either, with J.J. Abrams’ Superman reboot set to be DC Films’ next Kryptonian blockbuster.
Tipster Mikey Sutton is now reporting that Abrams’ pic will tie into an all-new version of the Justice League, with the team members set to hail from all across the studio’s multiverse.
“If Abrams does direct the new Justice League movie, it will be set up by his Superman film,” he says.
It’s not a bad idea in theory, and one that would be greeted with a much better reception if there wasn’t a hugely popular four-hour elephant taking up most of the space in the room. Of course, we still know virtually nothing about the next feature-length Superman pic besides the fact that Abrams is producing and Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing the script, but it’s not great news for Cavill’s supporters either way. If the DCEU is intent to pivot away from the Snyderverse and The Witcher star’s Kal-El, then they’ll have to start churning out some pretty awesome movies to compensate for the fact that a huge section of the fanbase are firmly against anything that doesn’t pick up from where Justice League left off.

from We Got This Covered