Monday, March 8, 2021

Zack Snyder’s Justice League Leaks Early On HBO Max Thanks To Tom & Jerry Mix-Up

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is now just over a week away from finally debuting on our screens. Diehard DCEU fans have been campaigning to get the director’s cut of the superhero team-up flick released for almost three and a half years, but the moment is almost about to arrive. And, for a few lucky, unsuspecting people, it already has.

In surprising news, some HBO Max users have accidentally found that they can stream the movie 10 days early. As is being shared on social media by various folks, a select number of subscribers have been trying to watch the new Tom & Jerry film on HBO Max this Monday, March 8th and have instead found that Snyder’s four-hour epic starts playing instead.

Here’s a pic and a video which provide proof of the bizarre glitch:

If you’re already a HBO Max subscriber, you may want to go check out Tom & Jerry right now and see if you’re one of the accounts that’s encountering this surprising leak. That said, the issue will likely be swiftly sorted out. Unless this is some kind of ingenious marketing strategy to drum up even more hype for the movie, that is.

Apart from those chosen few who’ve been able to check it out early, the rest of us have to wait until next Thursday, with Warner Bros. in the midst of a final viral marketing push for the Snyder Cut. New promos are dropping daily, with a current series showcasing a different member of the League each time, not to mention a teaser focusing on the movie’s villains that came out today. Even after all the footage we’ve already seen, there are hours and hours we’ve yet to get a glimpse at still to come. 

Zack Snyder’s Justice League lands on HBO Max – at least, officially – on March 18th.

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