2020 has been a year to forget, with everyday life being put on hold as the Coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the world, and dozens of countries are still under heavy restrictions, with many of them tightening the rules to try and stem a potential rise in infections over the holiday season. There might only be eight days left until 2021 is upon us, but the apocalypse bingo card keeps throwing up surprises.
The latest story that’ll have movie fans worried is the news that COVID-19 has reached a remote research base in the Antarctic, making it the last of the planet’s seven continents to record confirmed cases. 26 military personnel and ten civilians at the Chilean Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme outpost are suffering from symptoms, and those familiar with John Carpenter’s horror classic The Thing are starting to get a little worried, as you can see from the reactions below.
MacReady is awaiting and ready. If you wanted the Thing, this is how it starts!
"COVID-19 has reached a research base in Antarctica" https://t.co/m5BGagrXXj
— ASH (@Ashy_slashee) December 22, 2020
What if they are just saying COVID-19 has reached Antarctica to keep us away from the Alien base there? We are developing a Space Force. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Also side note didn't think I'd see The Thing turned into an actual event.
— Matthew Elmore (@MatthewCElmore) December 22, 2020
Covid 19 reaching a research base in Antarctica is when it will mutate & people will start becoming killer aliens just like in John Carptener’s “The Thing” pic.twitter.com/jylzf9SIMY
— Jordan Lilley (@jlil10146) December 22, 2020
The Thing has died of COVID-19 https://t.co/hyYjqj1pvq
— Cruel Angel’s Thesenuts (@aanand) December 22, 2020
Joke's on them it is actually The Thing which has just taken the form of the virus.
"COVID-19 has reached a research base in Antarctica" https://t.co/W7xx8NaL9S
— Eric in the 21&⅕th Century (@EJT___) December 22, 2020
Somebody give Kurt Russell a bell.
COVID-19 has reached a research base in Antarctica https://t.co/fwPdRDE2WR
— Alexander Capstick (@ajlc1985) December 22, 2020
Fuuuck. John Carpenter films are not a how to guide.#COVID19
"COVID-19 has reached a research base in Antarctica" https://t.co/WsjlN1jXXj
— Toby Woods (@tobyjwoods1) December 22, 2020
the fact that COVID reached Antarctica basically means that John Carpenter's The Thing could come to life
— alex // nothing ever really ends (@evilmimes) December 22, 2020
This just got me thinking long and hard about how John Carpenter's The Thing is such a good COVID metaphor even though it came out almost 40 years before COVID. https://t.co/ShiUcpi3C7
— adelmonk (@adelmonk) December 22, 2020
Covid-19 has reached the O'Higgins Base at #Antarctica pic.twitter.com/pz2swGHX7H
— Paul Boxshall (@Superbokka) December 22, 2020
The 1982 sci-fi chiller follows a group of scientists who also pitch up at a remote Antarctic research base, before an unseen and deadly enemy assimilates them one by one, forcing the dwindling band of survivors into a desperate fight for their lives. Of course, the chances that one of the Riquelme outpost’s staff members will turn into a hideous disembodied head that grows spider legs are hopefully slim to none, but we know better than to rule anything out given the events of the last ten or so months.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of folks are calling for Kurt Russell to be parachuted in to save the day, but Blumhouse hold the rights and are currently working on another reboot of The Thing , and the actor is too busy with the much more wholesome role of Santa Claus anyway.

from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/3mKHMAM