Many people were predicting the worst for Jeff Fowler’s Sonic the Hedgehog, and understandably so, as the original design for the character was rather terrifying and no one really wanted to hand over their money to sit in a cinema watching a family film where the titular hero was a nightmare to look at. Thankfully, then, Paramount delayed the pic by three months and spent millions of dollars on a total redesign.
Things worked out well, too, as Sonic the Hedgehog went on to find itself as just the second video game adaptation ever to secure a Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes after Detective Pikachu, not to mention it’s also the fourth biggest hit of this year thanks to bringing in $310 million globally.
Of course, a sequel was announced in short order and we know that it’ll feature Knuckles in what’s said to be a substantial role. Who will play the part remains to be seen, but fans have one actor in particular in mind for the job, as you can see below.
Like and retweet if you agree that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson should voice knuckles in the sequel to the Sonic the hedgehog movie.#SonicMovie2 #SonicNews
— AspieTree (@AspieTree25) December 23, 2020
Calling it right now, Tails will be voiced by one of the Stranger Things kids, and Knuckles by a pro-wrestler, if not the rock, if he isn't already in the movie on-camera as the president.
— Chris Niosi (@Kirbopher) December 23, 2020
Reminder that Dwayne The Rock Johnson is the PERFECT casting choice for Knuckles:
— SpeedSuperSonic (@RicFromSSS) December 23, 2020
The Rock has to play as knuckles, it’s the only way it will work
(@JAKANGG) December 23, 2020
Since it’s confirmed that Knuckles is gonna be in the Sonic Movie 2, I want a petition for him to be voiced by Dwayne Johnson. #SonicMovie #SonicMovie2
(CEO of the #SonicMovie) (@AfterLi51707799) December 23, 2020
I was kinda iffy at first on the idea but hearing this The Rock is the perfect choice to play Knuckles if they’re gonna get a celebrity voice.
— I Can’t See Your Christmas Spirit
(@_BlindNostalgia) December 23, 2020
I’m so hyped to see Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2!
I hope he will be voiced by Dwayne the Rock Johnson
(@ScorbunnyD) December 23, 2020
To be honest, I wasn't surprised that Knuckles was going to be in Sonic 2.
Biggest question marks is: What's his role in the story? And who's gonna voice him? (The Rock would be perfect for the role if we're going the Hollywood way, Dan Green if video games).
— Eric Nason (@ELN891) December 23, 2020
I think John Cena or Dwayne Johnson for Knuckles.
— COSMO (@Cosmo6360) December 23, 2020
….Dwayne Johnson for Knuckles.
— Self LoathKing (@NickBorelli2) December 23, 2020
Knuckles better be voiced by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
(@TCald15) December 23, 2020
Not even joking I legitimately would actually not mind Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson voicing Knuckles in the sonic movie 2
— BigATheArtist135 (@AArtist135) December 23, 2020
Indeed, Dwayne Johnson would certainly be a good choice to voice Knuckles and he’s even been linked to the part in the past. Does that mean it’ll happen? No, but we also wouldn’t rule it out at this stage.
Whether it’s The Rock or not, though, we’ve no doubt that Paramount will rope in an A-lister for the gig and you can be sure that a number of them would be willing to sign up given how successful Sonic the Hedgehog was. But tell us, do you think Johnson is right for Knuckles, or is there someone else you’d rather see in the role? Let us know down below.

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