On one hand, you can’t help but admire the loyalty and dedication of Johnny Depp‘s fans, who have constantly backed the actor throughout the last several turbulent years of his career that have seen him dropped from two major blockbuster franchises and faced with a never-ending series of legal battles, with many insiders and analysts predicting the 57 year-old’s standing in the industry has been dealt irreparable damage.
However, on the other side of the coin, there’s a feeling that many of his supporters are veering dangerously close to fanatical territory. As well as the various petitions to have him reinstated as Pirates of the Caribbean‘s Jack Sparrow while also attempting to have his ex-wife Amber Heard fired as Aquaman 2′s Mera, the Animaniacs revival faced backlash from a vocal minority for an out of date reference to a meme that was interpreted as a crack at Depp’s expense, even though the voice cast admitted they had no idea why they were facing a torrent of abuse on social media, although that particular petition failed miserably.
The latest call to arms saw Depp’s Twitter fanbase spend 24 hours streaming his movies as some form of protest against the premiere of Stephen King adaptation The Stand on CBS, which just so happens to feature Amber Heard in a supporting role.
Get ready for the #DeppMovieNight celebration on the 17th of #Deppcember
24 hours of streaming your favourite Johnny Depp movies with your friends and families to show that #WeStandWithJohnnyDepp#JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/xu6KWWtOs9
— #JusticeForJohnnyDepp (@JarOfTurd) December 15, 2020
I started #Deppcember early with this classic. pic.twitter.com/G3rZcFyXfV
— TheInfamousOne (@TheInfamousOne6) December 17, 2020
I’m starting off #DeppMovieNight with Charlie and the chocolate factory #Deppcember #JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/sBLLRFtT04
— justicefordepp (@jdeppjustice) December 17, 2020
Alice in Wonderland is up now!#Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #JusticeForJohnnyDepp
— simply dawn
(@dawnlysimple) December 17, 2020
Starting my #DeppMovieNight with Transcendence. Never saw it before, now seemed like a perfect time to get around to it #Deppcember #WeStandWithJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp
— Schwalbaa (@AnneSoSkou) December 17, 2020
Will be streaming Johnny Depp movies all day long because I support his quest for Justice. #DeppMovieNight #Deppcember#JusticeForJohnnyDepp
— Olguita (@olgacmon) December 17, 2020
#Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #istandwithjohnnydepp
Johnny never fails to crack me up as Willy Wonka. Ready to realign my chakras having a laugh with JD in Willy Wonka. pic.twitter.com/3Nj8EYJIM4
— TanHar (@TanHar57692529) December 17, 2020
#Deppcember #DeppMovieNight A quick tour of our lineup for today – there really is so much to see! #JohnnyDepp an actor's actor
— 𝙉𝙞𝙣𝙙ō (@SonUzamaki) December 17, 2020
Still with Sleepy Hollows. My God, the effects and the ambientation, the costumes, the dialogues, everything is so perfect. This movie is a rarity. #Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #WeStandWithJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/2sIVTAKJNx
— Lila #FuckTheSun #BoycottWarnerBros (@xsocialopen) December 17, 2020
Next… Dark Shadows #Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #WeStandWithJohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/42nlSnTze7
— S
(@valkoinen_ruusu) December 17, 2020
Cursed of the Black Pearl
Dead Man's Chest
At World's End
On Stranger Tides#DeppMovieNight #Deppcember #JusticeForJohnnyDepp
— H. (@_he1d1_) December 17, 2020
Watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and asked everybody I know to stream a Depp movie today
— Cam
(@CamillaGersen) December 17, 2020
Film 1 for tonight on @NetflixUK !!
Dark Shadows (2012)#Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #JohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohnnyDepp pic.twitter.com/AVcWJcm67S
— Justice for JD || Save Daredevil (@KatProngs) December 17, 2020
So far I’ve watched Dark Shadows, Ed Wood, The Lone Range, and now transcendence #Deppcember #DeppMovieNight #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #JohnnyDepp #WeStandWithJohnnyDepp
— Florena
(@FlorenaAngel) December 17, 2020
Just done Rango, Alice in Wonderland next. Then Looking Glass then Pirates 1.
Once kids are in bed I'll have some more adult choices.#Deppcember #DeppMovieNight
— Louise Hatfield
(@LouiseHatfiel16) December 17, 2020
The first of The Stand‘s nine episodes aired on Thursday, and while ratings aren’t yet available the reviews haven’t been particularly kind. If people aren’t checking it out, it’ll probably have a lot more to do with the fact critics aren’t recommending it rather than the fruits of a successfully targeted attack aimed at CBS for daring to hire Amber Heard.

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