Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Batman Set Photos Reveal First Look At The Batcave

Things have been relatively quiet from the set of The Batman recently, a far cry from a few weeks ago when images were making their way online on an almost daily basis, offering up some great looks at the cast in action while also generating plenty of speculation surrounding both the movie’s plot and the wider universe that it inhabits.

Shooting is still continuing at pace on Matt Reeves’ reboot, which has faced a couple of major issues as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. The director first called action back in February, and we’re still well over a year away from the finished product hitting the big screen after Robert Pattinson’s debut under the cape and cowl was hit with several release date reshuffles.

There’s certain elements of the Batman mythos that are required in every adaptation of the Caped Crusader from the Batmobile to the presence of key players like Alfred Pennyworth and Commissioner Gordon. Another expected feature is the costumed crimefighter’s secret lair, and the latest batch of set photos from The Batman have revealed a huge Batcave set under construction, which you can check out below.

The vehicles dotted around the exterior give an indication of the massive scale, and the set is presumably fully equipped on the inside for filming interiors as well as sweeping wide shots. Checking out the inside of the Batcave is something that fans always look forward to whenever a new project involving the Dark Knight is released, and The Batman will be no different.

With the majority of setbacks now hopefully in the rear-view mirror, Reeves can forge ahead at full steam with the iconic superhero’s latest reboot, and based on what we’ve seen so far The Batman is already looking to be in pretty good shape.

from We Got This Covered

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