Monday, November 16, 2020

Deadpool 3 Reportedly Won’t Serve As Ryan Reynolds’ MCU Debut

Marvel Studios is hard at work producing the next batch of MCU movies and developing an overarching narrative for the next three Phases of this interconnected narrative, but those plans don’t seem to include Deadpool 3, at least so far as we know.

Indeed, we haven’t heard anything other than hearsay about the much-anticipated threequel to Ryan Reynolds’ Regenerating Degenerate after Disney bought Fox and acquired the rights to the X-Men and Deadpool franchises. A lot of fans are even concerned about the kind of direction Kevin Feige and his gang will take with this series, but it doesn’t take a discernible amount of insight to realize that a PG-13 Deadpool simply doesn’t work. Even the rumors make an effort to reaffirm this, suggesting that Marvel will definitely stick to the R-rated formula.

If that’s the case, then, can we expect the Merc with a Mouth to appear in other MCU movies, even through brief cameos? After all, these flicks are as family-friendly as it gets, whereas the same could hardly be said about Ryan Reynolds’ fourth-wall-breaking renegade.

Well, it seems that the producers are going to include Wade Wilson in other Phase 4 projects regardless, starting with Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. According to a report by Small Screen, Stephen Strange’s next outing will feature a cameo from Deadpool, where he’ll even make fun of the Disney/Fox merger, as Deadpool would.

This makes sense, too. The Doctor Strange sequel is supposed to introduce the concept of the multiverse to the MCU, through which the likes of X-Men could join the Avengers. I mean, it’s not like Marvel can suddenly spring them on the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes after so many years of conspicuous absence.

As for Deadpool 3, the main star reassures us that it’s still very much in the works, but it may be a while before we hear anything concrete about the movie.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

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