Late-night sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live (typically abbreviated as SNL) is well-known for parodying recent political situations, often poking fun at both sides of aisles by having the show’s talented cast or guest stars take up roles as politicians and their famous supporters. In recent years, Alec Baldwin’s admittedly spot-on impersonation of President Donald Trump has garnered plenty of laughs, while other notable acts have included Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton, Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer, and Jason Sudeikis (and at one time, Woody Harrelson) as Joe Biden.
However, another beloved comedian is taking up the mantle of 2020’s Democratic nominee when SNL returns this month. You know him as many names, such as pet detective Ace Ventura, utterly moronic Lloyd Christmas, and lovable Truman Burbank – but now you’ll know Jim Carrey as Joe Biden. And in addition to Carrey’s new role, long-time cast member Maya Rudolph will be playing Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris.
The first look at these two in their new roles debuted today in a tweet from the official SNL Twitter page, and while this quick glimpse may not be much to go on, the dedication to their respective impersonations can already been seen quite well nonetheless.
Of course, this won’t be Jim Carrey‘s first appearance on SNL. The seasoned comedian has hosted the show various times and has played characters across a variety of sketches. Perhaps most notably, he impersonated Matthew McConaughey in multiple Lincoln commercial parodies that poked fun at the existential tone of the real-life versions.
Season 46 of SNL premieres on October 3rd and will best hosted by Chris Rock and feature musical performances from rapper Megan Thee Stallion.
from We Got This Covered