Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Will Reportedly Introduce A New Superhero Team

Not only has The Falcon and the Winter Solider finally resumed shooting after a six month hiatus, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first foray into television is still adding cast members. It was recently confirmed that 21 year-old British actress Erin Kellyman had joined the ensemble, and now a new report from the set claims that she’ll be playing Melissa Gold, better known as superhero Songbird.

Songbird is known as a key member of the Thunderbolts team, and the set report goes on to say that Kellyman was spotted filming alongside George St-Pierre’s Batroc, who has also been a member of the roster in the past. While her role hasn’t been officially announced as of yet, the actress was seen shooting scenes that saw her exert control over civilians, and one of Songbird’s powers has always been vocal manipulation.

We already know that Daniel Brühl’s returning Zemo is going to be the show’s main villain, and the character has led several incarnations of the Thunderbolts in the pages of Marvel Comics. Interestingly, the Winter Soldier also recruited his own team of Thunderbolts a few years back, and the connection between Zemo and Bucky in the MCU is already well established.

Of course, the reformed supervillains have previously been rumored to be making their way to the franchise, and Marvel Studios are known for putting their own spin on familiar comic book arcs, so The Falcon and the Winter Soldier could realistically see Zemo assemble his own team in an effort to try and stop the two title heroes from thwarting whatever nefarious scheme he has in mind.

While this remains firmly in the realm of speculation until more concrete details are announced, set photos from The Falcon and the Winter Solider are arriving on an increasingly regular basis, so it might not be too long until a grainy image snapped from a distance gives the game away.

from We Got This Covered

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