Monday, June 15, 2020

New Batman Game Reportedly A Reboot Starring Damian Wayne

According to sources close to WGTC – the same ones who told us the Justice League Snyder Cut is coming to HBO Max and a Resident Evil 4 remake is in development – the mysterious Batman game in the works at Warner Bros. will center on Bruce Wayne’s biological son, Damian.

WB Montréal, the studio behind 2014’s Arkham Origins, has been rumored to be developing a new game starring the Caped Crusader for some years now. Although the studio has yet to confirm this, they have been uploading some strange yet undeniably Batman-related symbols over the past few months on their Twitter page.

Not long after Rocksteady finished Arkham Knight in 2015, veteran leakers claimed they had learned that WB Montréal was working on a Damian-based game, but that the project – which was intended to be a sequel to Knight – was ultimately scrapped.

The same leakers believed that WB Montréal would reuse assets of this cancelled title for their new project, a prediction which seems to have been correct now that Damian has returned to the scene. The new game, our sources say, will not be a sequel but a reboot, meaning it won’t be connected to the Arkham universe that had been set up in those titles.

While some fans are disappointed that the studio will not continue to build off of Rocksteady’s critically-acclaimed creation, WB Montréal’s decision to go their own way might have actually been a pretty good one. When Origins first came out, the consensus was that, while the junior Canadian developer had done a respectable job handling Rocksteady’s brainchild, their work fell incomparably short compared to that of the master.

Now, having rid themselves of unrealistic expectations, WB Montréal is able to make a Batman game in their own style. Let’s hope it will be memorable.

from We Got This Covered

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