Monday, June 8, 2020

First Plot Details For Rian Johnson’s Star Wars Trilogy Reportedly Revealed

Lately, we’ve heard conflicting reports about Rian Johnson’s Star Wars trilogy, but it seems that the project is still percolating in the early stages of development.

It’s been more than two years since the premiere of The Last Jedi, but the controversy surrounding Johnson’s middle act in the Sequel Trilogy hasn’t died down. If anything, The Rise of Skywalker‘s mixed reception has given way to a new discourse where people trace the problems of the last movie in the Skywalker Saga to Episode VIII‘s bold approach to “let the past die” and take Star Wars in a new direction. In this scenario, Disney’s Sequel Trilogy is irredeemable, mostly due to the fact that Johnson’s decisions essentially set up J.J. Abrams to fail in the final entry.

You can imagine that Johnson isn’t exactly a popular figure among Star Wars fans, then. As such, there’ve been doubts about whether Lucasfilm would go ahead with his independent trilogy. Back in January, the filmmaker gave a vague update on his plans, but we haven’t heard anything more since.

Now, however, according to sources close to We Got This Covered – the same ones who told us about Palpatine and Rey’s connection and Hux’s twist reveal as a spy, both of which turned out to be true – Johnson has already worked out the kinks of his new narrative. And though it’s still unclear if the proposed trilogy will ever happen, the director at least knows the story that he wants to tell.

From what we hear, the plot will revolve around the Force-sensitive kid we saw at the end of The Last Jedi and take place long after The Rise of Skywalker. There are now many Jedi in the galaxy, and Rey serves as a mentor to the aforementioned kid. Rey’s own daughter, on the other hand, is the new master of the Sith, leading the equivalent of the Empire in that era.

Of course, it’ll probably be a while before we hear anything solid about Johnson’s Star Wars trilogy, but this pitch certainly sounds in keeping with George Lucas’ original vision for every narrative that’d succeed his original one, where every story works like poetry and rhymes with the last one.

from We Got This Covered

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