David Ayer’s Suicide Squad has suddenly found itself back in the headlines again, and it surely can’t be a coincidence that the filmmaker has started talking about his original vision for the movie on an increasingly regular basis ever since the Snyder Cut of Justice League was finally confirmed to be happening.
The grubby fingerprints of studio interference were all over the theatrical release, and we don’t need the End of Watch director telling us on social media that he had much different plans for the movie, because it’s obvious just from watching Suicide Squad that it was clearly the result of a heavily-compromised production.
It seems increasingly likely that the Ayer Cut may eventually follow Justice League in becoming reassembled and presented to audiences as a completely different movie, but today DCEU fans are calling out Avengers: Endgame, thanks to a scene in Suicide Squad that didn’t get left on the cutting room floor, as you can see below.
Hang on a minute did end game copy this scene???
— Collections Trailers And Medleys (@CMedleys) June 10, 2020
It’s literally the exact same scene except it actually makes sense and it looks better in Suicide Squad
the Russos are SHAMELESS https://t.co/XUBk6x8sKo pic.twitter.com/rM8YIfKKFC
— Mercury ²¹⁴ #GBTZ (@Mercuryinretro1) June 10, 2020
Plus this scene in Endgame was filmed awfully. They tried to do the one take thing but failed miserably. I noticed the first time I saw it. The movie was good though!
— shittymj (@batfleck1912) June 11, 2020
End game copied a lot of scenes from DCEU.
— Naveen Jagannivasan (@NaveenJaganniv1) June 11, 2020
Same concept…
Yeah…no wonder…typical movie from Russo brother— Aldila Saga Prabu (@aldila_saga) June 11, 2020
The brief scene of Katana dishing out some good old-fashioned vigilante justice with her weaponized namesake recently caught the eye of of some fans who thought that it seemed more than a little similar to Hawkeye’s reintroduction as Ronin in Avengers: Endgame, right down to similarities in both the visuals and the dialogue.
However, calling the Russo brothers out for plagiarism seems a bit far-fetched even though there are some superficial comparisons to be made, but comic book fans aren’t exactly known for taking things lightly when it comes to making their opinions known on Twitter. If you wanted to list every movie that featured a neon-lit brawl set in the backstreets of Japan that involved someone using a samurai sword to exact revenge then you’d be here all week, and it extends a whole lot further than ensemble superhero blockbusters.
from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/2XSWX1S