Saturday, June 27, 2020

Avengers: Endgame Directors Defend Using CGI For Final Battle

It’s easy to take any movie apart if you have enough time to sit through it multiple times, but with a pic such as Avengers: Endgame, the predicament is basically inevitable.

As the culmination of the Infinity Saga, the most successful cinematic franchise in history, the Russo Brothers had a lot of checkmarks to overcome with the last entry. But seeing as how Endgame is now the highest-grossing feature film of all time, it’s safe to say that the duo, alongside Kevin Feige and the rest of the producers at Marvel Studios, have been hugely triumphant in this endeavor. Yet, barring all the continuity issues and plot holes that people have managed to unearth from the last installment, Endgame couldn’t escape the tragedy of gaffes and blunders in the technical department, many of which have already been outed by fans at this point.

Of course, while we could easily blame the CGI as the main culprit, these errors are more likely the result of Marvel Studios’ excessive use of the said feature rather than an inherent error in the practice. For instance, there were many sequences with Chris Evans’ Captain America in the film where his mask is CG, which frankly, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. It would appear though that the directors think it’s more efficient to work with CGI than waste time building sets and arranging practical effects, as they recently revealed in an interview.

“You know, CGI makes things more efficient. So, we could make Infinity War and Endgame back-to-back. If we had to make those two movies in that way, they would have been four years apart, easily,” Joe Russo said.

His brother Anthony then chimed in, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of using CGI in different situations, noting:

“There is a big difference too, because CG has certain strengths, right? Part of the reason why it works so well in Star Wars, in general, is that when you’re dealing with ships and creatures, non-human forms, and machines it does a little better,” He said. “When you’re dealing with the human form, you can see its weaknesses. The virtue of the characters in the Avengers films are that they’re not, you know… Captain America doesn’t fly a spaceship or a fighter jet. You know?

If you’re dealing with the human body and that stuff is much more difficult to achieve in visual effects at a visual effects level. You have to use different tools depending on what the action is and what the storytelling is. Because of that, I believe the two are very different from one another and how you approach them.”

These comments certainly make sense, and we can safely say that fans would sooner overlook the numerous yet insignificant errors of Avengers: Endgame‘s CGI than realize that they would’ve had to wait for more than a year to see the continuation of the story.

from We Got This Covered

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