This Sunday sees Supergirl’s fifth season come to an earlier-than-anticipated end with “Immortal Kombat”. To whet your appetite ahead of broadcast, a new promo has been released. Squee! You can squee if you want. Check out the Supergirl finale’s final trailer in the box above the text.
In addition to that suitably rousing sneak peek, a synopsis has also been released for those (like me) who weren’t in the Supergirl loop:
Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) realizes that in order to stop Lex (guest star Jon Cryer) and Leviathan she must work with the one person she never thought she’d trust again – Lena (Katie McGrath).
I mentioned this finale comes earlier-than-anticipated. That’s because Supergirl, as with many TV shows that had been airing in the spring period, has had to cut short production due to the pandemic. That means the fifth season will end on its penultimate, 19th episode, as opposed to its originally billed 20th. And the upshot for fans? Well, you can expect a cliffhanger ending, with the resolution postponed until the sixth season (which has been commissioned). It’s going to be a nail-biting wait until the show is back on.
Catch Supergirl season 5 finale “Immortal Kombat” this Sunday on The CW. If you’re thinking of tuning in, or have been following the series up to now, drop a comment below. It’s a bit of a stopgap, but a penultimate episode is a better place for the interruption to happen than in the middle of a season. A similar thing happened with the tenth season of The Walking Dead, where filming had been completed on the final episode, but post-production had not. That unaired finale will now be released as a special episode later this year. Everyone’s having to get creative.
from We Got This Covered