The Flash just wrapped up its sixth season this Tuesday. Episode 19, “Success is Assured,” wasn’t originally intended to conclude the run, of course, so it left things on much more of a downer than we’re used to from a finale. Team Flash failed to stop Mirror Mistress from killing her husband and framing Sue for it and, more importantly, Iris remains trapped in the Mirrorverse.
More than that, in fact. The last time we saw her, she was engulfed in a blast of blinding reflective light, taking her somewhere unknown. While chatting with TV Line, showrunner Eric Wallace was asked whether it was possible that Iris ended up in a good place. However, the EP soon dashed any hope of that happening, saying:
“Uh, no. No. That’s not possible,” Wallace said in response. “Not yet. She’ll get there, though.”
Wallace went on to explain that episode 20 has all but finished filming, though thanks to the pandemic affecting production, it’s being held over to become the season 7 finale. It’ll be an unusually emotional opening to the next run, then, as Wallace promises that there will be tears.
“These last three episodes of this season were already written, and in fact the episode after this, where you get to see exactly where Iris went to, has already been 90-percent shot,” he continued. “So, it’s very strange for me that we were one day away from finishing that episode which suddenly is our Season 7 premiere. Fortunately, you find out where Iris went and, oh boy, will there be tears. Oh my. Tears in our season premiere.”
If you can’t wait until later this year to find out what happened to Iris, Wallace says that all the clues you need to put the whole thing together and guess what occurs next can be found in episode 19.
“Oh God, yes. In fact, as I watched this episode, I got worried that you can figure out everything that’s coming — because I know, having read the scripts, but also all the clues are there if you’ve been paying attention,” Wallace said. “We’ve literally told you everything that’s going to happen. Literally.”
So, what does Wallace want us to deduce here? Well, fans are convinced that Iris might be becoming another Mirror Mistress, as she’s been displaying many of the same quirks and habits that Eva has over the past couple of episodes – headaches and an itching tic. Is Iris gaining powers? And, when she finally escapes the Mirrorverse, will she go bad? That would definitely cause tears.
In any case, The Flash season 7 is a while away, so we’ve got a lot of time to figure it out.
from We Got This Covered