Tuesday, May 19, 2020

New Star Wars Theory Says The First Jedi Was A Skywalker

In the continuity of Star Wars, we’ve always recognized the Skywalker name as a family line of powerful Force-sensitive individuals, but what if the truth is something else altogether?

The Rise of Skywalker, serving as the title for the last movie in the saga, alludes to Rey taking on the Skywalker family name at the end of the story and once again fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen One by bringing balance to the Force. Of course, in terms of characterization and execution, one could argue that the resolution isn’t earned. But if we’re talking about a conclusive thematic ending to the Skywalker Saga as a whole, this development starts to actually make a lot of sense.

In fact, the idea to acknowledge Rey as a Skywalker dates back to 2014, before The Force Awakens‘s premiere. As Lucasfilm’s Pablo Hidalgo explained in a Story Group meeting:

“I like the idea that she’s going to be our Skywalker, but she’s not a Skywalker. Then, for our purposes, ‘the Skywalker’ is really a metaphor. It doesn’t have to be something that’s directly connected to blood.”

When you think about it, through this interpretation, the Skywalker name isn’t about the prophecy of the Chosen One, but it refers to individuals who serve as agents of the balance. Anakin and his son Luke fought for balance in their own time, and Rey followed their footsteps by standing up to his grandfather, Darth Sidious. A Palpatine by blood, a Skywalker by choice.

With this definition in mind, we could argue that the first Jedi to ever live, the Prime Jedi, was technically the Skywalker of his own generation. The Last Jedi introduced us to this being when Rey meditated next to a mural of the Prime Jedi. In that film, the Prime Jedi was depicted as a servant of the balance, rather than the light side of the Force, essentially representing the philosophy of Yin and Yang in the world of the galaxy far, far away.

This means that the Jedi were originally founded to serve this balance, but got sidelined through self-righteous moralistic ideals, something we witnessed in full through the Prequels era. Hopefully, going forward, Rey’s new generation of the Jedi in Star Wars will work towards keeping the balance, thus avoiding the mistakes made by their predecessors.

from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/3cJINVG

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