Friday, May 15, 2020

Gargoyles Creator Says He’d Love To Make A Live-Action Movie

Thanks to Disney Plus, where all of the episodes are available in their uncensored form as originally intended, Gargoyles has been enjoying a huge resurgence in popularity. Despite the Mouse House’s streaming platform boasting the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pixar, Star Wars, The Simpsons and their entire back catalogue of animated classics, Gargoyles was one of the first things to find itself trending when the service went live as both old and new fans flocked to the 78-episode series in their droves.

This led to creator Greg Weisman launching a Twitter campaign to try and gain momentum behind a possible revival, and while there’s been very little news on the Gargoyles front since then, star Keith David has also voiced his approval about the title characters being resurrected in some fashion. There’ve been whispers that a live-action reboot was in the early stages of development, but things seem to have quieted down now that the initial wave of buzz has worn off in recent months.

However, in a recent interview, Weisman admitted that he’d jump at the chance to bring Gargoyles into the live-action realm simply because of his love and emotional attachment to the material.

“I’d love to, especially if they let me write and produce it. Obviously no one wants a bad version of Gargoyles, and if it sucked, that would be horrible. But even if it sucked, it might be high-profile enough to let us do more Gargoyles comics, or more of the show. That’s a deal I’d take. I don’t earn any money off of Gargoyles. Disney owns it 100%, but I obviously feel territorial about it. And I’d love to see the property be able to grow. As long as nothing is being done with it, that’s impossible. But if something is done with it, and I think being on Disney Plus counts as something, there’s at least a shot at allowing us to tell more stories in that universe. That would be huge for me, emotionally.”

While a live-action remake would be an expensive undertaking given the vast amounts of CGI that would be required to bring both the characters and the world to life, it isn’t like Disney can’t afford it. They can’t just rely on the steady stream of Star Wars spinoffs, MCU shows and live-action remakes of their own animated output to prop up their service forever, and the possibilities for reinventing Gargoyles for modern audiences using the latest technology is almost limitless.

from Movies – We Got This Covered