Marvel’s What If…? animated series is a unique upcoming entry in the MCU, as the anthology show will dip into a different alternate timeline in each episode. Following the project being announced at last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, we got our first looks at a few of the other universes we’ll get to explore, including one where Peggy Carter is Captain America (or Britain), one based on the Marvel Zombies comics and another where Black Panther is Star-Lord (no, really).
Some uncovered info from last summer just resurfaced online, though, which revealed details on a fourth episode, which will apparently feature Peter Parker as Hawkeye instead of Spider-Man. Our first glimpse at how Tom Holland could look as the Avenging Archer (in animated form) has now been unearthed and while it’s a little blurry, if you squint at it you can make out Holland in the image below.
This might seem like a random switch of alter egos, as Peter and Clint Barton have never had much of a connection before in the MCU, but there is a way to track how this could happen. In the comics, Richard and Mary Parker are S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Perhaps in this alternate dimension, Peter decided not to avenge his uncle by becoming Spider-Man but honor his parents by working for Nick Fury, too, and becoming Hawkeye?
Then again, it could also be completely random. After all, it’s hard to work out how T’Challa could ever take Star-Lord’s place in things. Either way, it should be fun to have Holland get the chance to voice a different version of his character in the show. It’s easy to imagine Hawk-Spider being a bit tougher and less chirpy than the regular Peter, too.
Starring many major names from the franchise, Marvel’s What If…? is expected to launch its 10-episode first season sometime in mid-2021.
from We Got This Covered