Sunday, May 10, 2020

Deadpool Creator Wants Game Of Thrones Star To Play Female Deadpool

While the project may finally be in active development under new ownership at Marvel Studios, it could be a long time yet before Deadpool 3 eventually reaches our screens. Star, producer, co-writer and all-round creative driving force Ryan Reynolds may have teased the infinite possibilities that comes with having the Merc with a Mouth as part of the MCU, but he also admitted that he isn’t sure when the movie will happen given the trickiness of bringing the staunchly R-rated character to a family-friendly franchise, as well as his own hectic schedule over the next several years.

Deadpool co-creator Rob Liefeld, who isn’t exactly a shrinking violet when it comes to voicing his opinions, recently pointed the finger of blame at Marvel for not rushing the third installment into production as soon as possible, while also claiming that they currently have no plans for either Wade Wilson or X-Force, with Drew Goddard formerly attached to write and direct a spinoff for the latter when the characters were still the property of Fox.

However, Liefeld has thrown his weight behind the idea of having Game of Thrones star Len Headey being cast as Lady Deadpool. In a recent interview, the actress admitted that if she could play any superhero she would choose Deadpool in a heartbeat, and now the man who brought the self-aware assassin into the world has enthusiastically endorsed the idea.

“Bring it on baby, bring it on! Bring it on. Lady Deadpool is fantastic. She’s ridiculously popular as well. Also slightly underused, I think.”

Obviously, seeing Lady Deadpool as part of the MCU seems far-fetched given that the studio are still trying to figure out what to do with the original version of the character, but if Marvel do decide to go all-in on the Deadpool franchise, then perhaps Headey could get her wish and play her in the Deadpool Corps limited series we recently reported was in the early planning stages.

from We Got This Covered

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