Sunday, April 12, 2020

Thor: Love And Thunder Reportedly Features A Team-Up That Fans Will Love

A few months ago, sources close to WGTC told us that Star-Lord and co. will make an appearance in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder. But it seems they won’t be the only familiar faces stopping by.

According to the same sources who informed us of the Guardians’ now confirmed cameo, and who told us Taskmaster would be the main villain of Black Widow, the God of Thunder will also be getting some help from Doctor Strange. As with the Guardians and also the Hulk, who we know will be involved as well, this would just be a small appearance and likely won’t amount to much more than a quick team-up, with Benedict Cumberbatch’s fan favorite stopping by to lend Thor a hand at some point and help him out.

Of course, the Sorcerer Supreme is just the latest piece of the puzzle that is Love and Thunder. So far, director Taika Waititi has teased audiences regarding the return of Loki – who bit the dust following the godly brothers’ first encounter with Thanos in 2018’s Infinity War – as well as the debut of Mjolnir-wielding monster-turned-hero Beta Ray Bill.

Given that Loki, being the God of Mischief and all, has faked his own death numerous times before – and is confirmed to be getting his own show on Disney+ soon – his appearance in the film should definitely not be ruled out. Nor should that of Beta Ray Bill, who hasn’t been confirmed by the studio just yet but whose surprising and comically abrupt character arc fits perfectly in the wacky new world that Waititi has created for the God of Thunder.

An unexpected critical and commercial success, Thor: Ragnarok‘s refreshingly lighthearted feel and humor turned the Avengers’  weakest link into one of the strongest. In fact, Waititi’s take on the hero was so beloved by audiences that it became a blueprint for other movies in the MCU to follow. Without his work, the Russo brothers would have never been able to blend the serious tone of the first two Avengers films with the completely bonkers attitude of Guardians. As such, fans are now more than eager to see what the Thor: Love and Thunder director will do next.

from Movies – We Got This Covered