Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Internet Is Freaking Out Over Ansel Elgort’s Nude Photo

With a large portion of the world trapped within four walls and physical contact highly discouraged, people are getting thirsty. The situation hit fever pitch last night after The Fault in our Stars and Baby Driver‘s Ansel Elgort posted a nude shower pic on Instagram. As far as these things go it was relatively tasteful as he was covering up a good part of his body with his hand, Austin Powers style.

But this nude isn’t some wild fit of exhibitionism (well, maybe a bit), but for a good cause. The idea was to raise awareness for Jeffrey Wright’s Brooklyn for Life! Coronavirus relief charity. He captioned the pic “OnlyFans LINK IN BIO”, but rather than taking us to a premium repository of primo Elgort nudes it instead directed to the fundraising page.

Unfortunately for Elgort, the charity and his legions of horny fans, Instagram stepped in and told him the nude pic was breaking their terms of service. Elgort explained that:

“Unfortunately, Instagram told me I gotta take my post down because it’s nudity, so I’m going to take it down or maybe I’ll repost the version that cuts a little higher, how about that?”

And later:

“Alright, sorry about that Instagram. Sorry if I offended anybody but we did a good thing. And my dad took the picture by the way. He was mad, he said that I needed to give him credit.”

I’m not going touch the implications of Elgort taking steamy shower pics with his Dad, but whatever the case the charity received about $20,000 in the hours since the photo was posted. That’s not surprising given up how it lit up the internet. Here’s a selection of the responses:

And it continues! Twitter is basically a sea of horny posters right now. The thirst is real, and Ansel Elgort has just tapped into it in the manner of a There Will Be Blood style prospector hitting oil. Oh well, at least all that frustrated energy is being redirected to a good cause. Here’s hoping that this will encourage other celebrities to follow suit.

from We Got This Covered

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