With the continuing Coronavirus pandemic placing social restrictions on millions of people around the world, social media has proven to be an invaluable tool in allowing people to stay connected to each other. This has led to many movie-related debates finding themselves trending online, ranging from trying to figure out which entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe can be declared the worst, to deciding whether Optimus Prime or Captain America was the more inspirational leader.
The subject of the latest discourse is the filmography of Jim Carrey, with Twitter users going back-and-forth in an attempt to declare which three entries from the rubber-faced funnyman’s back catalogue comes on top. However, the choice is limited to just eight movies, which means some heavy hitters and fan favorites don’t even make the initial cut.
You can check out some of the reactions below to see which three people are siding with, out of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Dumb and Dumber, The Cable Guy, Liar Liar, The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
You can only keep 3 pic.twitter.com/I7bMCQ6VMM
— Jensen Karp (@JensenKarp) April 8, 2020
Truman Show, Eternal, Man on the Moon
— Matty: Makin It Weird Since 2009 (@MattBennett) April 8, 2020
I think you forgot to put The Mask on here.
— Vinny von Fetterboy (@FettermanVinny) April 8, 2020
Obviously 3 copies of Me, Myself, and Irene
— Rachel L (@racheliptak) April 8, 2020
1. ESotSM
2. Man on the Moon… and then it gets tough.
3. Dumb & Dumber
I feel like I’ve betrayed Cable Guy, Truman Show and Ace Ventura.
— Jordan (@eyeofjordan) April 8, 2020
This is so hard.
Truman Show, Dumb & Dumber and Liar, Liar
— Ryan Satin (@ryansatin) April 8, 2020
Is it bad that if I picked one of those to watch right now it would be Cable Guy?
— Orwell (@STRKLR91) April 8, 2020
Justice for The Mask pic.twitter.com/hEGfFoLvHs
— B (@Bre_McFly) April 8, 2020
Anyone who doesn't say the Grinch hates Christmas. Much like the Grinch.
— Real Bad Listener Geoff (@geofffulkerson) April 8, 2020
Truman show, Ace Ventura, Cable Guy. @GemmaSherona @beci_collins @pandapops10
— Cam Wallis (@CamWallis94) April 8, 2020
How about none
— SaltySinner
(@SaltySinner_) April 8, 2020
While the choices maintain a decent balance between the actor’s broader comedy vehicles and his critically-acclaimed dramatic work, The Mask does seem to be a fairly notable absentee, given that it remains one of the definitive movies of his entire career, as well as one of the most beloved among fans.
The comic book adaptation was also released in 1994 alongside both Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber, with that trifecta of box office hits solidifying Jim Carrey’s standing as one of the biggest movie stars in the business. His star may have faded in recent years, and his output is no longer anywhere near as prolific, but the eight films under consideration nonetheless serve as a reminder of the 58 year-old’s range as a performer.
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