At this point, it seems like the continued uncertainty surrounding the status of Justice League’s Snyder Cut will rumble on until the end of time, at least until we get a definitive answer from either Snyder himself or Warner Bros. While the speculation helps to keep the unfinished version of the movie much more relevant than the heavily-compromised theatrical cut, there’s only so long this can drag out for before people start losing interest entirely.
The Snyder Cut conversation now has an air of a he said/she said schoolyard argument about it, with the studio completely ignoring the fans that have constantly bombarded their social media accounts, while Cyborg star Ray Fisher saying that you’re a troll if you believe that it doesn’t exist. Jason Momoa claims to have seen it, and several members of the crew seem to have as well, but until we get a firm yes or no answer from the powers that be, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
However, in a recent online Q&A, YouTuber Grace Randolph claimed that the near-mythical version of Justice League was very much in play, although she admitted that the success of HBO Max could turn out to be a huge factor.
“I think that it will happen. I can’t guarantee it. I know there have been discussions. I know what Zack Snyder wants. I think it’s great. I think that it is certainly within Warner Bros.’ budget. I think it really depends on how desperate Warner Bros. gets with HBO Max. I mean, nothing would sell that service like the Snyder Cut, or now Zack Snyder’s Justice League. I think it’s still very much in play.”
While these comments should be taken with a pinch of salt, Randolph nonetheless makes an excellent point. If HBO Max launches and doesn’t gather the number of subscribers that Warner Bros. were hoping for, handing Zack Snyder a wad of cash and telling him to go and finish his take on Justice League would generate huge publicity, and convince a massive amount of people to fork out for the streaming service in order to see it.
from We Got This Covered