Saturday, April 18, 2020

Doctor Who Star David Tennant Celebrates His 49th Birthday Today

Happy birthday, Mr. David Tennant! April 18th marks the day the Doctor Who star turns 49 years young, so let’s take a moment to celebrate one of the most popular Time Lords there’s ever been.

Way back in 2005, the 34-year-old Tennant made his debut as the Tenth Doctor, assuming the iconic role after predecessor Christopher Eccleston bowed out after just 13 episodes. The Scotsman went on to lead the show through one of its most beloved periods in its 50+-year history before he handed over the sonic screwdriver 10 years ago in the New Year 2020 episode “The End of Time: Part 2.”

But he’s never really stopped playing the Doctor since. In 2013, Tennant returned opposite Smith and guest Doctor John Hurt for the big 50th anniversary special, and in recent years he’s reprised the character on audio numerous times for Big Finish Productions. As a lifelong Doctor Who fan, Tennant’s part of the Whovian family for life. Literally, in fact, as his wife, Georgia Tennant (nee Moffett) is the daughter of Fifth Doctor Peter Davison.

Of course, Tennant’s resume is pretty darn impressive even without mentioning Doctor Who. He’s managed to land himself a range of other famous TV roles apart from the Doctor, including – but not limited to – Kilgrave in Marvel’s Jessica Jones, Crowley the Demon in Good Omens and D.I. Alec Hardy in Broadchurch. In fact, it was while filming Broadchurch that Tennant became good pals with Jodie Whittaker – who went on to become the Thirteenth Doctor.

Tennant fans will be excited to know that the actor is temporarily joining Twitter tomorrow for a live-tweet/watchalong of Doctor Who season 4’s “The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End,” which many of his fellow stars will be joining in with, too.

Of course, two other Who stars are celebrating their birthdays today as well: Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler, season 1-4) and Eric Roberts (the Master, Doctor Who: the Movie). Many happy returns to all three!

from We Got This Covered

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