Monday, April 6, 2020

Apex Legends Improving Kings Canyon Loot In Upcoming Update

Apex Legends is due to celebrate the return of Kings Canyon tomorrow, but the OG map won’t be exactly as you remember it.

No, Respawn hasn’t been messing around with the map’s geography during its absence but rather, taken the opportunity to tweak a number of variables under the hood, so to speak. Over the last few days, various members of the battle royale’s development team have been requesting feedback from players on social media, an initiative that’s spurred a great deal of discussion, especially from within the competitive community.

One major criticism being floated right now concerns Kings Canyon specifically and how, more often than not, victory is a result of luck more than skill. The root cause of this, it seems, is due to how loot is distributed or, more specifically, the lack thereof. In addressing the concerns of various pro players, Respawn’s Josh Medina has confirmed that loot density in Kings Canyon “should be addressed” with tomorrow’s patch.

A good start, then, though it remains to be seen whether those fixes implemented will be potent enough on their own to resolve the current status quo. Member of eSports team Counter Logic Pro, Nokokopuffs, believes that part of the problem also comes down to a lack of character diversity and describes how play can become stale within an hour or two due to the same high-level strategies involving just a handful of existing Legends. Adjustments on that front are due to go live tomorrow, too, according to the studio’s Michael Kalas, though he refrained from going into specifics.

You can expect an in-depth breakdown of all the changes being made via the usual patch notes accompanying any major update tomorrow, but until then, let us know what core concerns for Apex Legends you’d like to see addressed in the usual place below!

from We Got This Covered

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