Thursday, March 26, 2020

Resident Evil 3 Remake Mod Replaces Nemesis With Thomas The Tank Engine

History, it seems, has a habit of repeating itself.

Rather than wait until Capcom’s Resident Evil 3 remake launches in full next week, modders have discovered that the reimagined survival horror’s demo already makes such a hobby possible. In fact, we’ve already seen a number of bizarre fan edits to Jill Valentine’s nightmare, with one particularly terrifying alteration replacing every rank and file zombie with clones of the fearsome Nemesis.

Twitter user The Yakuza Guy, on the other hand, has decided to replace Umbrella’s ultimate bioweapon with another entity entirely. If you’re even vaguely familiar with the huge number of mods that transformed Resident Evil 2 remake’s Mr. X into various pop culture characters, chances are this one will be immediately familiar.

Check out the hilarious and equally unsettling experiment for yourselves below:

Unlike the subway train that promises to ferry Jill and her fellow survivors to safety if she manages to fix it, old Thomas here has other ideas. Of course, the dead-eyed locomotive has been enjoying renewed fame on the internet as of late, due to a number of unofficial video game appearances.

Besides Resident Evil, Thomas has been modded into Bethesda’s popular Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises to replace various enemy types, including dragons and Deathclaws. It goes without saying, of course, that you can no doubt expect many, many more ridiculous creations like these to surface following next week’s launch.

Resident Evil 3 is out April 3rd for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. If you’ve yet to give the demo a shot or simply looking for some tips for dealing with Nemesis, you can check out our guides through here.

from We Got This Covered

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