The last attempt at rebooting the Power Rangers for modern audiences didn’t go so well, with the 2019 update failing to juggle the tonal shifts required to balance a serious superhero origin story alongside the nostalgia aspect of a show that had peaked culturally over 25 years previously. That being said, Dean Israelite’s failed franchise-starter did much bigger numbers in toy sales than it did at the box office, and turning a profit made it virtually inevitable that the brand would be relaunched yet again.
Following the recent announcement of the latest 90s-set Power Rangers reboot, a lot of news has been trickling out from the long-running franchise. Original star David Yost wants to reunite the Mighty Morphin’ cast for a reunion show, while we’ve reported on plenty of casting rumors regarding the latest big screen project as well.
Now, we’ve heard from our sources – the same ones that told us that the Guardians of the Galaxy will cameo in Thor: Love and Thunder, and informed us that Jim Carrey’s Mask will appear in Space Jam 2, both of which are confirmed – that the plan once again is for Power Rangers to launch an entire series of movies. While that isn’t exactly surprising, our intel hints that the time-traveling aspect of the reboot will factor heavily into the creative direction of the franchise, with the core team remaining the same throughout each installment, but traveling to different time periods to team up with different eras of Power Rangers like the Zeo, Turbo and Lost Galaxy crews.
If that turns out to be the case, then that’s an interesting and unique hook for a brand that’s been around for the best part of 30 years, and will ensure that any potential follow-ups bring something new and different to the franchise. But of course, that all depends on how the latest Power Rangers movie fares with both critics and audiences when it eventually hits theaters.
from We Got This Covered