Respawn Entertainment has finally pulled back the curtain on Apex Legends Season 4.
As part of a special livestream last week, the developer revealed several new features for the battle royale’s next major content update, including brand new Legend, Forge. The musclebound warrior, who data miners leaked just days prior to his official unveiling, is scheduled to land next week, February 4th, though fans now think that the newcomer might not be the only hero coming in Season 4.
Revenant, the mysterious robot who hosted last year’s Fight or Fright Halloween event in a shadowy rendition of Kings Canyon, has long been rumored to join Apex‘s roster. Prior to Forge’s official announcement, in fact, many had believed the former to be a shoo-in for Meltdown’s successor and, believe it or not, that might still be the case. Employing their investigative skills over on Season 4: Assimilation’s official blog page, fans have discovered through some clever URL manipulation what appears to be official artwork for Revenant. Check it out below.
Simply by swapping a single digit (replace the 6 with a 7) in the URL for Forge’s official artwork returns the second image as seen above. No reference to Revenant is visible in the picture, of course, but given how the character in question fits previous descriptions of the tin can to a T, there’s no mistaking the identity of this skull-faced combatant. And as if the evidence wasn’t already overwhelming enough, leaked footage from what’s believed to be Season 4’s upcoming trailer also appears to feature Revenant in several instances.
Assuming all of these leaks turn out to be 100% accurate, then, when exactly should Apex Legends players expect to see Revenant arrive? On the same day as Forge seems the most obvious answer, but with each season usually lasting for around three months, Respawn would be best withholding a potential second Hero until the former has had time to settle into the meta. What date are you expecting? Sound off in the usual place below!
from We Got This Covered