Sunday, December 29, 2019

Captain Marvel 2 May Feature Two LGBT Relationships

Ever since Carol Danvers was introduced into the MCU earlier this year in Captain Marvel, many fans have been wondering if she might end up being revealed as one of the franchise’s LGBT superheroes. A lot of this stemmed from the fact that she wasn’t given a love interest in the film and it was left a bit unclear as to what her sexual preference is.

Fueling speculation even further was producer  Victoria Alonso, who during a Reddit AMA, said that “Carol could eventually have a love story with someone of the same sex,” before adding that she feels “it would be something incredible on the part of the MCU.” Throw in actress Brie Larson’s cries for more LGBT representation as well, and at this point it seems that it’s all but confirmed that Captain Marvel is indeed going to come out at some point.

In fact, We Got This Covered has heard that it’ll happen in the hero’s next solo film, but perhaps more interesting is that apparently, Captain Marvel 2 might feature two different LGBT relationships. At least, that’s the idea right now over at Marvel Studios and we even know who the other couple might be.

Aside from Carol and whoever her partner is shown to be (from what we’re told, it will be a random/new character, not anyone we already know), Wiccan and Hulkling will also be in the film and be the other LGBT relationship that’s portrayed. And not only that, but as we’ve told you already, Captain Marvel 2 will also plant seeds for Carol and Jessica Jones to potentially date down the road, should Marvel choose to pair them up.

For this movie, though, they’ll only become friends, with Carol already in another relationship. And as for the aforementioned Wiccan and Hukling, it’s unclear how big a role they’ll have to play in what’s already shaping up to be a very busy film, but our sources have said they’re definitely involved. And given that these are the same sources who also told us Marvel is eyeing Daniel Radcliffe for Moon Knight and Tom Holland is in talks for a Venom 2 cameo, both of which were confirmed this week, we have no reason to doubt it.

Of course, things can always change between now and when Captain Marvel 2 goes into production, as plans change all the time in Hollywood – remember when MCU Cosmic insisted the title of Avengers 4 was Avengers: Annihilation, only for it to be Avengers: Endgame? – but right now, at least, this is indeed on the cards. And frankly, given that Larson is one of the ones leading the charge when it comes to more LGBT representation in the franchise, it only makes sense that her next solo film is the one to take a big step like this.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

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