Friday, November 15, 2019

Respawn Releases Hilarious Sick Note To Help Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Fans Skip Work

Today’s the day, Star Wars fans. At long last, Respawn Entertainment’s Jedi: Fallen Order has landed and is already scooping up a number of overwhelmingly positive reviews.

Video game adventures set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away aren’t particularly rare, of course, but not for almost a decade have fans of the globally popular sci-fi series been treated to one such as this. As far as single-player experiences go, 2010’s Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II was the last true story-focused affair. Since then, publisher EA has acquired sole rights to the license from Disney and has produced just two games, Star Wars Battlefront and its sequel.

Considering the middling reception that those hyper-focused multiplayer affairs received, it goes without saying that Jedi: Fallen Order has been high on many fans’ wish lists since its initial reveal. Unfortunately, being an adult on a working day sucks, especially when a big event such as this rolls around.

Thankfully, however, Respawn’s acknowledged that plight and put together a handy ‘sick note’ to help excuse you of your usual commitments. Check it out below.

“Feeling unwell today? Head feeling a bit Force-sensitive right now?” reads the studio’s accompanying message on Twitter, indulging even further in its puntastic note with, “Maybe even coming down with a bad case of the Kashyyks? Please present this note to whoever needs it, excusing you from any duties expected of you through 11/15,” ends the sympathetic post.

Sadly, unless your employer has the uncanny ability to read droid speak, it’s unlikely that presenting to them BD-1’s excitable beeps and boops are going to score you anything but strange looks. But hey, it’s the thought that counts, eh?

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is out now, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, and if you’re a Fortnite fan to boot, picking up the game prior to November 30th will score you some neat Star Wars-themed loot in Epic’s battle royale, too. See here for all the details.

from We Got This Covered

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