Wednesday, October 23, 2019

National Trick Or Treat Day Means That There Are Two Halloweens?

As we march through spooky season, that eerie time of year before extensive parades and heartfelt Charlie Brown specials take over the airwaves, kids all across the country have their eyes set on the 31st: Halloween.

Every year, the sugar-filled holiday has rested firmly on the last day of October. But as of late, a lot of concerned parents have been fighting to have an official “Trick or Treat Day” designated on the last Saturday of the month. In fact, the “ALLoween” campaign (via has received over 150,000 signatures thus far.

The reasons for the proposed change are mostly out of safety concerns. According to a study conducted by, there’s been an 83% increase in deadly crashes involving kids on weeknight Halloweens, as well as a 55% increase in fatal pedestrian accidents. Plus, this would give parents the opportunity to opt for daytime Trick or Treating, an option that would make it easier for the drivers to see the children.

As this campaign has grown in circulation, it has caught the attention of the people behind the National day Calendar. In a democratic decision, they’ve heard the people and added “National Trick or Treat Day” to their official calendar with the following * attached: “Last Saturday in October.”

Well, it looks like this young holiday has been birthed, though, and this is important, not officially by the government. Until some sort of legislative body makes this decree, parents will probably have to spread word of the event through word-of-mouth, though I imagine a lot of traditionalists won’t want to buy two sets of candy for two sets of Halloweens.

from Movies – We Got This Covered