Saturday, October 5, 2019

Marvel Fans Furious At Martin Scorsese For Saying MCU Movies Aren’t Cinema

Of all the people to upset fans of comic book movies, Martin Scorsese seems like a highly unlikely choice. However, the legendary filmmaker behind all-time classics like Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas hit a nerve with the superhero fanbase in a recent interview, where he both admitted that he has no interest in comic book movies and claimed that they aren’t even cinema.

“I don’t see them. I tried, you know? But that’s not cinema. Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn’t the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being.”

While this is only one man’s opinion, when that man is Martin Scorsese people are going to listen. You can understand his point, that his definition of ‘cinema’ is about the human experience and the emotional connection that’s forged between a director and the audience, but on the other hand it sounds a little disparaging towards the entire superhero genre. Of course, fans were quick to take to social media and vent their frustrations regarding Scorsese’s alleged ignorance towards the most lucrative and bankable genre in the business.

Comparing superhero movies to theme parks is hardly a bad thing, as both are precision-engineered and designed to give the paying public their money’s worth when it comes to an emotional and visceral experience that brings the ultimate rush of excitement. And anyone who says that franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe aren’t planned and specifically designed to cater to certain audiences is kidding themselves on. After all, there are literally countless theme park attractions based on comic book movies spread all around the world so there’s plenty of crossover between the two for years.

When you’ve had the career that Martin Scorsese has had, you’re pretty much entitled to voice your opinion on anything related to film, even if some people think he’s veered a little too far into ‘Old Man Yells At Cloud’ territory this time.

from We Got This Covered

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