Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fortnite Chapter 2: Where To Catch A Weapon With A Fishing Rod In Season 1

By now, Fortnite fans will assuredly have spent several hours exploring Chapter 2’s Apollo map, all in an effort to add new Points of Interest and important landmarks to their long-term memory. Indeed, one of the most daunting tasks for veteran players of the battle royale is undoubtedly relearning everything that Epic’s enormous overhaul has to offer, and that’s not even mentioning the bespoke content crafted exclusively for Chapter 2.

One of those, as you no doubt will have already discerned, is none other than fishing. The age-old practice of hooking a catch for sport and/or supper might seem like a strange addition to Fortnite on the surface, but its addition is just one part of a wider effort on Epic’s part to try and eliminate (or at the very least, reduce) the element of grind usually associated with leveling up each season’s Battle Pass.

After all, wouldn’t you rather cast a line and see what bites instead of arbitrarily harvesting wood and stone? Of course you would.

And so, wasting no time in putting that new initiative to the test, the first batch of weekly challenges, titled New World, require that players fish up a strange treat indeed. To tick off this particular task and score yourself some precious XP, you’ll need to snag yourself a weapon from the murky ocean waters and that requires a rod. Thankfully, said tools can be found lying around almost anywhere on Apollo but if you find yourself struggling, several can almost always be found at Craggy Cliffs.

With the fisherman’s best friend in-hand, simply cast your line near any body of water and wait. Fish, trash and other miscellanies will likely be your first catches but persist long enough and you’ll eventually score yourself a weapon. And that’s all there is to it!

To find a breakdown of all the new features introduced with Fortnite Chapter 2, head through here. Alternatively, see below for the full list of challenges requiring completion this week. Good luck!

  • Discover Named Locations (10)
  • Eliminations at Lazy Lake or Misty Meadows (3)
  • Discover Landmarks (10)
  • Ride a Motorboat in different matches (3)
  • Deal damage with Assault Rifles to opponents (500)
  • Search chests at Sweaty Sands or Retail Row (7)
  • Eliminations in different matches (5)
  • Catch a weapon using a Fishing Rod (1)
  • Deal damage with SMGs, Shotguns,and Pistols in a single match (3)
  • Carry a Knocked player 10m (10)
  • Search hidden ‘F’ found in the New World Loading Screen (1)

from We Got This Covered

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