Friday, October 11, 2019

Fortnite Chapter 2 And Potential New Map Leak Online

Try as it might, Fortnite developer Epic Games hasn’t quite managed to keep its future plans a secret. Somewhat humorously, however, the premature reveal this time around doesn’t come by way of a talented data miner or inside leak but rather, a store listing. US company Apple, it seems, has jumped the gun on announcing what’s coming to the battle royale in Season 11, having updated the Spanish version of its app store with a series of new images.

As for what they depict, we’ll let you discover that for yourselves below, courtesy of trusted leaker ShiinaBR.

“Fortnite Capitolo 2′ reads the game’s header, which translates to Chapter 2. A massive revelation in itself, for sure, but the image adorning the title appears to be that of an all-new map or, at the very least, a dramatically altered Battle Island. Fans on social media have been quick to point out the presence of boats and other sea vehicles navigating the river waters, leading to the belief that players will soon be riding the waves in-game.

It’s all too easy to put together an authentic-looking fake in this day and age, of course, but that doesn’t appear to be the case this time around. Reddit user Glacozzo uploaded a short clip of themselves browsing the Apple store in search of the leak which, lo and behold, was found within seconds without trouble.

here is a video for those who think it’s fake! from FortNiteBR

So, assuming everything you’ve seen up to this point is 100% accurate, what’s the implication of a so-called Fortnite Chapter 2? Given its ongoing success and the countless number of hours players have already dedicated to the game, it’s unlikely that what we’re looking at is a bonafide fresh start but rather, some sort of soft relaunch. With matchmaking improvements and AI-controlled bots already confirmed to be coming in Season 11 and a new map now all but confirmed, it certainly seems to be the case that Epic is looking to secure an influx of fresh blood.

Expect a full reveal to come following the conclusion of Fortnite‘s so-called ‘The End’ event due to commence this weekend, October 13th. Stay tuned.

from We Got This Covered

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