Following the usual barrage of leaks and rumors, Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment finally confirmed last week, the imminent arrival of a new event.
Pathfinder voice actor Chris Edgerly corroborated the long-held suspicion as part of an interview, promising that fans would love what the developer has planned for the battle royale’s first Halloween celebrations. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, of course, nearly every ounce of information provided by data miners and the like have been accurate, but regardless, it’s nice to have everything in writing, so to speak. Besides, there are a few interesting tidbits peppered throughout the official announcement you may not be aware of.
Without further ado, let’s dig in!
Event Content
- Limited-Time Mode – Shadowfall
– features a special nighttime version of Kings Canyon - Exclusive event challenges with free earnable cosmetics, including two legendary weapon skins
- 24 exclusive “premium” cosmetics that can be unlocked via a number of different methods:
– direct purchase with Apex Coins
– direct unlock with Crafting Metals
– randomly awarded from Event Apex Packs - Replaced Event Currency in loot boxes with non-event loot drops
Along with all of the above, Fight or Fright marks the introduction of Apex Legends‘ third collectable Heirloom item. Previous leaks have already revealed this to be a baton-shaped weapon for Lifeline and, similarly to Iron Crown Collection, players will need to acquire all event cosmetics in order to unlock her exclusive skin. Fortunately, the latter will be awarded for free this time, rather than requiring players to spend additional cash, as was the case for Bloodhound’s controversial trinket.
That about covers all of the general information you need to know ahead of Fight or Fright’s launch next week, though we’ll be unpacking everything, including Challenges and spooky character skins, throughout the day. Stay tuned!
from We Got This Covered