Saturday, September 7, 2019

Wonder Woman’s Patty Jenkins Being Eyed To Helm Knights Of The Old Republic Movie

Though we’re still a few months away from the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga with The Rise of Skywalker, Lucasfilm is already looking towards the future and one of the many projects they have in the works is a new trilogy based on Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic.

EA and BioWare first launched the cult RPG video game back in 2003 and over the years, we’ve seen two more additions added to the KOTOR universe thanks to its sequel Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and MMO spinoff, Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, despite much demand from fans, it’s taken until now for a proper adaptation to materialize.

But at long last, KOTOR is coming to the big screen, as Lucasfilm has hired Laeta Kalogridis (Terminator GenisysShutter Island) to pen a script for a the first movie in a planned trilogy and now, with a scribe on board, the hunt for a director has apparently begun.

According to sources close to We Got This Covered, the same ones who told us Ewan McGregor was returning as Obi-Wan Kenobi back in May, Lucasfilm wants a female filmmaker behind the camera for the KOTOR trilogy and at least for the first movie in the series, they’re eyeing Wonder Woman‘s Patty Jenkins for the job.

At the moment, it’s unclear if they’ve formally reached out to her yet as our sources say she’s just on the wishlist along with a few other female directors. Among the other names on said list is Ava DuVernay, who’s also part of the DCEU as she’s working on WB’s New Gods movie.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure who else is on Lucasfilm’s radar and they may end up going with someone else for the job in the end, but for right now, at least, it seems that Patty Jenkins and Ava DuVernay are two filmmakers that the studio is interested in and with the director hunt heating up, hopefully we’ll learn more about the Knights of the Old Republic movies before long.

from Movies – We Got This Covered