One of the many DC movies in development is a cinematic outing for Supergirl. Unlike others, though, this one actually seems to be going somewhere. There was talk of it heading into production in early 2020 earlier this year and We Got This Covered has since heard a lot about Warner Bros.’ plans for the Girl of Steel in the DCEU. Including that it’ll be an origins story for Kara Zor-El and that WB hopes to get a female director to helm it.
Our latest scrap of news on the project though will certainly please fans of Krypton’s finest as we’re hearing that Superman will definitely appear in the Supergirl movie. Our sources – the same ones who told us Black Adam will be in Shazam! 3, and that Black Mask will be gay in Birds of Prey, both of which are now confirmed – have informed us that Kara’s cousin Kal will show up and fill a sort of mentor role for the heroine. Interestingly, it’s said to be unclear whether Henry Cavill will reprise the role or whether the character will be recast. The bottom line, though, is that Superman will return soon.
The fact that it’s undecided whether Cavill will appear or not could mean good news for those hoping to see more of his portrayal of Supes. WGTC had previously been told that it was pretty much set in stone that the hero would be recast and the Superman mythos practically relaunched with the Supergirl film. And though this may well still be the case, this latest update on the situation points to there being some leeway in whether the Man of Steel star will return.
The Supergirl solo outing is also expected to feature Brainiac as the central antagonist, which – surprisingly – would mark the major DC villain’s first appearance on the big screen. Beyond that, we don’t know much else about what WB has planned, but like we said above, it definitely sounds like the project is gaining some momentum and hopefully it won’t be too much longer before we learn more.
from Movies – We Got This Covered