Sunday, September 29, 2019

Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek Movie Pitch Has Been Revealed

Back in the summer, around the time Once Upon a Time In Hollywood hit theaters, Quentin Tarantino was on the press tour circuit talking about everything from his favorite Marvel film to his plans for helming a Star Trek movie. And from what we understand, he still has every intention of making it happen.

When it’ll materialize, however, is another question entirely. You see, though the iconic sci-fi franchise is having no problem find much success on the small screen, its future in theaters is a bit unclear, with Star Trek 4 stuck in development hell thanks to wage disputes and underwhelming scripts. From what we understand, though, Tarantino’s pitch for a separate Trek project outside of the mainline series is still alive and well.

According to the director himself, it’ll be something like Pulp Fiction if it were set in space, but beyond that, we haven’t been told much else about its plot. Thankfully, then, sources close to We Got This Covered – the same ones who told us Marvel was developing a She-Hulk show and that The CW was working on an Arrow spinoff for Katherine McNamara, both of which have now been confirmed – have revealed the pitch for QT’s Trek project.

From what we understand, the film will see the crew going back in time and revisiting past events from both previous movies in the rebooted series as well as events from The Original Series. Along the way, they’ll also run into some familiar faces as well who Trek fans will no doubt get a kick out of seeing, but details beyond that remain unclear.

So, it kind of sounds like Avengers: Endgame in some ways then, and we all know how this premise worked out for that film. Then again, there could be a lot more to the movie than just this time travel element but from what we’ve been told, that’s Tarantino’s basic pitch. Though why exactly the crew needs to go back to these past events hasn’t been revealed just yet.

In any case, whatever Tarantino’s Star Trek turns out to be, you can bet that it’ll be very different from anything we’ve previously encountered in the final frontier and we have no doubt it’ll be pretty fantastic.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

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