Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Fortnite Season X Update Adds Retail Row Rift Zone, B.R.U.T.E Mech Changes And More

Following confirmation of a last-minute hiccup delaying patch v10.10’s release for Fortnite, the latest update for Season X has finally arrived. Thankfully, whatever it was that caused Epic to postpone its plans doesn’t appear to have had any adverse effects. As always, there’s plenty of new content here to get your excitement glands working overtime, not least the long-awaited adjustments to Battle Island’s controversial new vehicle.

We’ll get to that shortly, however, as there’s the matter of a brand new Rift Zone to discuss.

From today, players will notice that one such anomaly has materialised over Mega Mall and, as was the case with last week’s Rift Zone, this portal boasts some powerful time-altering effects. The futuristic shopping district introduced in Season 9 has reverted back to its original form of Retail Row, though the beloved Point of Interest is unlikely to be as you remember it. This time around, the park has been infested with hordes of zombie-like Fiends that want nothing more than to find a good bargain. Putting the monstrous beings to rest has a chance of yielding rare loot, including weapons, consumables and ammo.

Accompanying the above is a new Limited-Time mode, World Run. In this team-based affair, 16 players are split into teams of four and tasked with collecting coins. The first group to reach a score of 30 wins is crowned the winner, with tie-breaks decided by whichever team was fastest.

And finally, rounding out the remainder of patch v10.10’s contents are the long-awaited changes to Fortnite‘s B.R.U.T.E. mechs. The nerfs – if you can even call them that – are unlikely to satisfy those who desired the vehicle’s total removal, of course, but it’s a start, at least. See below for all the major adjustments.

  • Added a targeting laser that appears as players load and fire missiles
  • Improved visual and audio feedback during the self-destruct sequence
  • B.R.U.T.E.s can now be entered directly from glider mode
  • Updated B.R.U.T.E. spawn logic for larger team respawn game modes
  • B.R.U.T.E.s abandoned in the storm will self-destruct after 30 seconds
  • B.R.U.T.E.s will reappear on the minimap after 15 seconds if no player is in either seat
What do you make of the changes? Let us know in the comments below!

from We Got This Covered

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