Monday, August 19, 2019

Apex Legends Data-Mine Further Hints At New Character Blisk

Last week, Respawn pushed out the battle royale’s Iron Crown Collection event for Apex Legends, an occasion that finally granted players access to a dedicated solo mode. While reception to that gameplay addition has largely been positive, the same certainly can’t be said of its other major component. The questionable monetisation of Iron Crown’s limited-time cosmetics and the fallout that followed has resulted in the developer issuing an apology.

That should have concluded matters, but the situation has only worsened due to a spat between both parties on social media straining an already tense relationship. How that disaster ultimately blows over remains to be seen, though it’s far from the only act of clumsiness on Respawn’s behalf. Shortly after last week’s patch going live, it emerged that the studio had neglected to remove certain assets from the game’s files, some of which reference a list of characters yet to be released.

Among those namedropped was none other than Crypto. The computer hacker is largely expected to be the next newcomer to King’s Canyon but far from the last. YouTuber TheGamingMerchant has since taken another peek at the leaked files and discovered heavy mention of a name many will immediately recognise.

The reference pertains, of course, to Titanfall 2 antagonist and soldier-for-hire Blisk. Unlike the last time rumours of his inclusion surfaced, no in-game renders of the character accompany the leak. Instead, file names, including ‘character_Blisk_CHARSELECT_SUBTITLE’ represent all the evidence necessary to reach a conclusion. As per GamingMerchant’s commentary, such files precede a playable character’s nickname, with Blisk’s noted as ‘Elite Mercenary’.

The leak doesn’t stop there, either. The entirety of Blisk’s toolkit – including a throwing knife ability that marks and reveals targets to others – are unearthed. See the video below for an in-depth rundown of everything there is to know of the mysterious vagabond and his potential Apex Legends debut.

from We Got This Covered

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