Monday, July 29, 2019

Taika Waititi Hilariously Trolls Thor: Love And Thunder Haters Online

You can’t please everyone. That’s a hard fact of life that many major franchise film directors are quite familiar with. Though Marvel movies usually have a higher success rate with critics, a quick glance at social media will unearth quite a few detractors for any given pic.

While some of this criticism is earned – here’s looking at you Iron Man 2 – Marvel’s focus on diversifying their future films has led to a lot of unwarranted hate toward movies that haven’t even been released yet. And, like most of the Internet, Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi has had enough.

After Marvel’s SDCC panel revealed that the God of Thunder’s fourth solo outing would find Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster becoming the Mighty Thor, most fans were thrilled. However, almost immediately, a handful of angry fanboys took to the web to voice their displeasure with the idea.

Ever the showman, Taikia Waititi has now hopped on Twitter to specifically troll these individuals:

Love and Thunder is set to use Jason Aaron and artist Russell Dauterman’s 2014 comic book storyline as a jumping off point for a female-centric take on Thor, but knowing Waititi, there’s sure to be many a surprise left in store for fans. After all, Thor is so far the only Avenger to receive a fourth standalone movie, so it’s apparent that the director, and Chris Hemsworth, have a lot they still want to do with the character.

Deciding ahead of time that you’re not going to like a movie is becoming more and more of an issue with franchise fans (a quick search of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a testament to that). While one can certainly have their reservations toward any film adaptation, major franchises have specifically bred a sense of nasty entitlement that is only hindering actual discourse. While I’m not sure if Waititi trolling the trolls is really helping the situation, it’s clear the director cares a lot about the property and isn’t just cashing in a paycheck.

Whether you like it or not, Thor: Love and Thunder is headed to theaters on November 5th, 2021, and Waititi isn’t the type of person to hide his creativity behind a veil, so be sure to check back as more information hits the web as it inches closer to production.

from We Got This Covered