Sunday, July 7, 2019

Did Spider-Man: Far From Home’s Post-Credits Scene Confirm This Avengers: Endgame Theory?

A popular Avengers: Endgame theory has re-entered the conversation thanks to the new Spider-Man: Far From Home, and as we delve into the speculation, be warned that some pretty big spoilers lie ahead.

As many of you will recall, the final minutes of the Avengers: Infinity War sequel saw Peter Parker go back to school and reunite with his old friend Ned Leeds. If you ask some viewers, however, Jacob Batalon’s character may not have been the only familiar MCU figure who makes a return in this brief scene. Specifically, some fans believe that none other than Talos himself, Ben Mendelsohn, can be spotted in the background of one shot, prompting the theory that Skrulls are infiltrating Peter’s school.

Of course, one blurry background figure isn’t much to base a theory on, and after Endgame co-writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus went on record saying that they knew nothing about a Mendelsohn cameo, the speculation quickly died down.

Jump to the present day, however, and it seems that Peter’s latest solo outing has inspired fresh discourse. In the film’s second post-credits sequence, it’s revealed that Talos had been in the movie all along, taking the form of Nick Fury while the real Fury was conducting business somewhere in space. Suddenly, the idea of Mendelsohn’s character paying Peter’s school a visit doesn’t seem quite so absurd.

That being said, most fans will likely need a fair amount more evidence before they start taking the theory seriously. After all, Talos only looked like Ben Mendelsohn in Captain Marvel because he was posing as Fury’s boss Keller. With that in mind, you have to wonder why he’d choose to take on this same form over two decades later while visiting Peter’s school.

In any case, Spider-Man: Far From Home is clearly teasing something with its last-minute reveal, and seeing how the MCU has just completed its 2019 slate, the fans now have the rest of the year to speculate on the possibilities.

from We Got This Covered

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