Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Avengers: Endgame Theory Explains Major Stark Gauntlet Issue

Avengers: Endgame may have finally left theaters but it lives on in the hearts and minds of its fans. And on the internet. Seemingly not a day goes by without a fresh theory being forwarded about the movie and the multitude of storylines it juggled for the entirety of its runtime. On Reddit, a user recently posted a theory pertaining to the infinity gauntlet that everyone’s favorite Avenger, Tony Stark, created to control the infinity gems.

This gauntlet managed to combine the powers of the gems, brought back everyone who was taken away by the snap, and delivered the final blow against Thanos. But doing all those things carried a Heavy price. While wielding the gauntlet, Hulk’s entire right arm was permanently damaged, while Tony Stark was killed in the process of using the gauntlet just once.

But in Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos was able to use the gauntlet without suffering such heavy damage. Fans assumed it was because Thanos was simply much more powerful than Tony, who is after all an ordinary human. But it still doesn’t explain why the Hulk was so badly injured since he is almost as strong as Thanos.

The answer, according to the new theory, lies in the creation of Tony’s gauntlet itself. The gauntlet used by Thanos was made of Uru metal, one of the most powerful elements in the universe. Tony simply did not have access to such material while constructing his own gauntlet, with the result that the earth-based gauntlet was not able to harness the power of the gems without also harming its wearer.

This was perhaps why the gauntlet we saw in Avengers: Endgame was not as effective a weapon as the one in the previous film. While there has been no official confirmation on whether this theory is correct, it does serve to answer one of the biggest questions that fans have had about the ending of Avengers: Endgame.

from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/2xF7dgm

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