Thursday, June 27, 2019

Spider-Man: Far From Home Almost Featured A Visit To New Asgard

As promised, Avengers: Endgame shook up the MCU in ways we couldn’t have predicted. All the dusted heroes have returned, Falcon is the new Captain America, Tony Stark and Black Widow both heroically sacrificed themselves and Thor named Valkyrie as the new Ruler of Asgard. With Spider-Man: Far From Home taking place in the immediate aftermath of Endgame, it was inevitable that the movie would have to deal with all this fallout. We already know that we’ll see Peter mourning his friend and mentor Tony Stark, as well as the world dealing with the consequences of their dusted loved ones returning, but now it appears we might have explored New Asgard in the wake of Thor’s departure with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

That’s according to director Jon Watts. While discussing the development of Far From Home‘s story, he said the following:

“You go through so many iterations of this story and like so many brainstorm sessions … I remember one point we were talking about if one of the stops along the way through Europe was going to be New Asgard.”

While it would have been interesting to see how Valkyrie is doing in her position of authority (and hey, more screen time for Korg and Miek!), it’s difficult to imagine how they’d have justified Peter Parker’s school trip taking them all the way to the remote Norwegian village of New Asgard (formerly Tønsberg).

This is, to the say the least, a bit of a detour if you’re visiting London, Prague and Venice. Then there’s the necessity of hiring Tessa Thompson for what amounts to a cameo, combined with the suspicion that maybe this kind of thing should really be left to a Thor movie to do it justice. Plus, it being a run-down village means there’s not much for Spidey to web-swing off.

Even so, I bet New Asgard is developing a lot more efficiently under Valkyrie than it was under Bro Thor. Sure, she might drink as much as Thor did, but she seemed full of ambition and hope in the closing scenes of Endgame and it’d be neat to see what her plans for the Asgardians are.

from We Got This Covered

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